Esschu wrote:
For now, I've set Parallels to NOT back-up via Time Machine and the regular back-ups are much faster (rarely a couple of GBs). So here are the questions I've been asking myself that I haven't been able to find great answers for:
Jun 21, 2014 Davis, CA. My virtual machine recently became corrupt and wouldn't open (not sure why) so I decided to restore the VM from a Time Machine backup. I restored the entire Parallels folder (where the VM was located). However, after the restore, I noticed that the folder was empty. I entered Time Machine again and the Parallels. Time Machine did its first backup of 215GB Ok and seemed to continue to just copy the modified files thereafter, just a few KB. But, then I realised that if Parallels is open, the backup will contain the whole of the Virtual machine, and it copies 194GB every time, every 3 hours, so my HDD is full in one day. Apr 14, 2021 Locate the virtual machine on your old Mac hard drive. Note: in order to transfer a Boot Camp partition, see KB 113658 By default, virtual machine files are located either in Documents/Parallels folder inside your user folder, or in /Users/Shared/Parallels.
Are the files that I work with/create in the VM being backed-up even though I've excluded Parallels from the Time Machine back-ups?
I can tell you from experience that you will be better off backing up Parrallels in Time Machine.
It is quiet a shock if you ever have to restore you system from TM and you go to open Parralles and there is nothing there.
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I would suspect some of the files could be present depending on where they have been saved to however.
Time Machine Restore Previous Version Of Parallels Windows 10
Time Machine Restore Previous Version Of Parallels Windows 10
Mar 1, 2014 8:58 AM