Foxpro Winsock Example


SMTP/POP3/IMAP Visual FoxPro email component library (SEE4FP) uses a simple API to send and receive mail, including HTML and MIME attachments. Comes with many Visual FoxPro examples.Supports all versions of 32-bit Visual FoxPro.

WinsockFoxproFoxpro Winsock Example


I Have searched this forum and a number of sites on the subject. However, I am not getting this thing right.

C++ Winsock

  1. Manage Winsock and send Emails with Visual FoxPro. Specifications Examples. Sending e-mails with Visual Foxpro (The download includes a form that allows generating sample code) Hello World. SET PROCEDURE TO VFPwinsock o=CREATEOBJECT('VFPWinsockSendMail') o.SMTPHOST = '' o.FROM =.
  2. WINSOCK Control with VFP Using the WINSOCK control with a Visual Fox Pro application is very similar to using it with a Visual Basic application. The main difference is the syntax used. The previous VB examples can be rewritten for a VFP application as follows. Establishing a Connection thisform.Winsock1.Protocol = 0.

I create two forms with the winsock control on each and each is BINDed to separate ports and IP addresses. I execute the listen() method on the Server in its INIT().Example
Foxpro Winsock Example

Foxpro Winsock Example

On the client I execute the CONNECT(serverip, serverbindport)
I get the message that I cannot perform this task in this state. Is there something I had to do before executing the CONNECT on the client?.
I am okay with SENDDATA and dataarrival. I have been using UDP. Now I want to use TCP causing I think that it will better serve my purpose.

Winsock Client

'I have sought your assistance on this matter because I have exhausted all the help that I can find. You are free to direct me to other source of help'