Purin To Ohuro V2

Purin to ohuro v2 driver

About this game:
Purin to Ohuro (“to ohuro” is another way to say と お風呂 also pronounced “to opuro” which means “and bath”) is a game where a girl named “Purin” is taking a bath and begins to angrily attack the player for peeping on her, and the player has the option of fighting back.
If Purin defeats the player, the player will fall unconscious. If the player defeats Purin, she’ll get out of the bath and running out the bathroom door, closing it, if the player hits her on her last HP she’ll be knocked out.
When Purin gets out the bath and the player punches her quick enough, she’ll fall back into the bath unconscious (Possibly dead)…………..Be Careful!!!

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PricePurin To Ohuro V2

Game Info:
Release : Dec/23/2013
Last Modified : Mar/28/2016 v2 – This Version!!!
Series : Purin chan
Age Ratings : X-rated, 18+, Uncensored Version
OS Platforms : Windows7 / Windows8 / Windows10
Genre : Clothes Changing Breasts Ryona / Brutal
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “PurinOhuroV2_64.exe” to start playing.
3- No Need to install !!!
This product contains English manual

Purin To Ohuro V2: Onii-chan Bath Assault: screenshots


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Purin To Ohuro V2 Software



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game play purin to ohuro .

Purin To Ohuro Gameplay

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Gameplay | Purin To Ohuro

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Purin To Ohuro Gameplay

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Purin to Ohuro Gameplay

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Purin to Ohuro - Gameplay

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